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Blog: Computer Use and Repetitive Stress Injuries

carpal tunnel syndrome office ergonomics repetitive stress injury wrist rest

A repetitive strain injury, sometimes referred to as repetitive stress injury, is a gradual buildup of damage to soft tissues including muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves from repetitive motions. RSI are common and may be caused by repeated motions performed in the course of normal work or daily activities, including:  using a computer mouse.


An overuse of the muscles on a continued repetitive basis


Incorrect posture, holding same posture on a continuous basis 


General stress 

Prolonged periods of work without a break

Cold temperatures



Visible swelling or redness of the affected area

loss of flexibility and strength of the affected area 


Dull or acute pain 



Reducing or stopping the activity that causes symptoms

Taking breaks to give the affected area time to rest

Adopting stretching and relaxation exercises

Acquiring ergonomic equipment and adopting proper ergonomic postures and procedures  

Applying ice to the affected area to reduce pain and swelling (when this symptoms are present) otherwise apply heat to sooth and increase circulation 


 Do you suffer from RSI ? let us know in this blog, please include the steps you have taken to remedy the situation if any.... maybe we can help 


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